As we approach Independence Day the subject of freedom seems to be showing up all around us. We hear from a lot of people who struggle with all the demands, obligations, expectations and stresses of life. They never have enough time in their lives to do the things that truly matter to them. And we feel their frustration and disappointment!
As I sit today visiting with my Mom who will also turn 92 on July 4, she is sharing stories about her past. My mom who is incredibly intuitive begins to share one of the stories I have heard many times before. So typical for my Mom she has again hit the mark by sharing what true “freedom” means to her. Here is the story as mom shares it……
“When I was a little girl, I grew up in a home that was loving yet turbulent. Being a middle child, I was often by myself as a great deal of focus was placed on my older sister and younger brother. I never seemed to fit in or show up exactly as expected. My father had a temper and there was a lot of arguing happening in the family. Seeking peace and freedom from the tension I would go outside and watch the clouds in the sky.
One day when I was about 9 years old, I went outside and laid under a cherry tree. Staring up at the sky watching the clouds float by I decided showing up in life as who I truly am and being happy was freedom for me. I made a decision that day, no matter what happened in my life I was going to show up as me and be happy. And, I have been that way all of my life.”
We are supposed to be brilliantly alive and amazingly free. My amazing mother knew this at a very young age. There are ways for freedom to express itself inside of you that you have not yet accessed. We can get to freedom sooner. We do not have to be a certain way or do so many of the things we thought we had to do in order to have the love and life that we’ve been seeking. Many of us are hiding behind what they think they are supposed to say and do in order to be “successful” and loved. We are collectively creating this illusion that we’re all trying to live in. It’s kind of crazy! We can live in the truth instead. We can choose authenticity.
You see, people believe that gaining freedom – both inner and outer – is a struggle. It doesn’t have to be. The first step is to come back inside and learn to let go of what is no longer serving you. We’ve helped many people live the formula for creating freedom, a formula that anyone can use. You absolutely CAN create a life that is freer and fulfilling than you ever imagined possible.