March is the month where winter transitions to spring and warmer temperatures, birds and flowers make a return after months of cold weather. However, March can bring a variety of extreme weather, including hot temperatures, late-season blizzards and severe weather. This is why people say March comes in “like a lion and goes out like a lamb.”
This frequent reference to the month of March is true in more ways than just the weather. During the month of March our New Year’s Resolutions for the most part are forgotten and the newness of the year has faded. We are now well entrenched in delivering on the goals that we have set for ourselves for the year. The end of the month (1st quarter) represents the end of the first major mile stone of the year. If things are going well we feel the momentum and if they are not the pressure is beginning to increase both from the outside and the inside. No matter which of these two scenarios are true for you or even if you are somewhere in-between, now is an important time to pause, re-calibrate, and re-focus on on what is most important starting with staying the course by living your healthy daily rituals.
12 Healthy Rituals to Live By:

- Remember Life is a Journey not a Destination
- Find the beauty in imperfection
- Adapt an attitude of gratitude
- Focus on what you want to feel and experience not what you want to do
- Fuel your body with colorful multi-textured foods
- Eat light and eat often
- Stay hydrated drinking half your body weight in ounces per day
- Move your body creating small movements every 45 minutes and large movements every 90 mins.
- Take frequent energy breaks through out your day
- Exercise vigorously for 30 minutes 3 X per week
- Sleep deeply 7-9 hours per night
- Find your true self discovering your purpose in life. Connect with that purpose every day and the Universe will miraculously clear the path for you to live it.