1. Visualize your perfect day.
First thing in the morning when you wake up, try meditating. If this is new for you just sit comfortably, close your eyes and focus on breathing in through your nose and out through your nose letting your belly expand during your inhalation. See the breath coming in from over your head and out through the ground below you.
As you begin to relax, visualize someone or something that you love. As you see that person or memory in your minds eye notice how you feel. Continue to focus in your mind’s eye and as you feel the love increase with this memory, breathe more deeply and amplify the love. Let the love encompass you. And, as you do, say to yourself, “this love is for me”. Continue to feel the love until it saturates your whole body and space around you. Continue to expand this feeling until it feels complete. Then begin to relax your breath and slowly open your eyes. Notice how you feel and as you do, “catch it” like a photograph. It is now yours to revisit and expand at any time throughout your day. This is a great starting point and will set the tone for a great day ahead.
2. Craft your environment.
After connecting with yourself, create the perfect space to love yourself today. In other words, pay some attention to your place of living and your overall space. Is it dusty? Is it cluttered? Is it a place where you feel well taken care of? Cleaning or tidying up your environment can be very therapeutic, and also, the result of a clean habitat to give yourself love in will leave you satisfied and stress-free for the great day ahead.
3. Gift yourself something nice.
Visit your preferred clothing store, get some antiques, or even buy a book. What’s one thing that’s been in the back of your mind for months that you’ve been wanting? Now would be a great time to buy it. Splurge a little bit for yourself. A good Valentine’s Day usually involves buying the one you love a present; gifting yourself something nice is totally appropriate!
4. Go on an adventure somewhere new.
This could be the park, coffee shop, or a bistro you pass on a daily basis—any spot in your city that you’ve always wondered about but have never made it out to. Visit a new place near you and spend some time there, people watch, try a new drink, read a book, and go on a walk through the park. You’ll be surprised what discovering a new location can do for your mood and also your mind overall. It’s exciting and refreshing, plus wherever you go could easily become a new favorite spot for you to return to in the future.
5. Connect with nature.

This could be that walk in the park, maybe hiking, or even something as simple as walking around your neighborhood. Getting outside and exploring nature, whether its new or familiar, is a great relaxer that brightens your day and could even lead to you seeing something you hadn’t noticed before, even if it’s right by where you live. A walk involving nature in town or out in the wild, can be a huge boost to the mind and mood. Whether you are along or with someone, consider making it a regular thing, too, and walks can be your way of going to your “happy place”.
6. Do some sort of spa treatment.
Whether it’s at home or an actual spa, pamper yourself with a spa day and if you have a significant other encourage them to indulge too. That’s right, spa day. Doesn’t matter if you’re a guy or girl, this is the ultimate “treat yourself” move for your special day. And it doesn’t have to be specifically going to a spa, but it can. Get a massage, lay out in the sun (if the sun is out). Hit the jacuzzi. Maybe do some stretching and relaxation techniques. Do a facemask, get a mani/pedi (Yes, guys can do that too). Take a really long, hot shower or bath to top it all off. After these methods of deep self-care and hygiene routines, you will feel fresh and brand new.
7. Reflect and relax.

As the evening arrives, wrap up the day by dressing up and going out to some place you love with someone special. Or bring home or order one of your favorite comfort foods, get in some comfortable clothes, and either read a book, watch something, or enjoy your favorite soothing music for a few hours.
This can be a time to fully relax and indulge in your favorite lazy, feel-good activities after a really fun and packed day. You don’t have to worry about the time or about chores (you already did those), it’s just your job to sit back, relax and take it all in. You’re going to sleep peacefully when it’s all said and done.
Make the focus of today be all about you first and if you choose, share it with someone you love. Connect to what you want and what would make you feel loved, fulfilled, and well cared for. What’s better than having a picture perfect day loving yourself and if you are in a relationship, encourage your partner to do the same. There is no greater love than two people who deeply, unconditionally love themselves and share that great love with each other. From now on, Valentine’s Day is Self-Love Day First!